Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
The Computing and Informatics Department prepares the students to be well-qualified specialists in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology in order to meet the high demands in national and international levels. Apart from the regular curriculum, the department organizes various technical seminars, workshops, industrial visits to the students for the purpose of exposing their knowledge and gaining practical knowledge to the real-world environments. Below programs are offered by the Computing and Informatics Department
Credit Hours: 120
Program Objectives
The Computer Science major objectives are:
- To communicate effectively in English in a diverse environment
- To have the fundamental knowledge of Mathematics
- To exhibit their programming skills for innovative development
- To have the capability to identify and solve the complex changes in computer science
- To have the knowledge to design and develop the system
- To understand the advanced topics in the computer science
- To use their knowledge of mathematics and computer science effectively to solve the problem
Program Learning Outcomes
- Completely understand the main concepts of Computer Science, both theoretical and applied
- Apply knowledge of computing, arithmetic, and science to real world problems
- Create, apply, and execute a PC based framework, process, component, or program to address desired issues, and analyze the efficiencies of alternative solutions
- Analyze a problem, and Recognize and characterize the computing necessities proper to its solution
- Comprehend the nearby and worldwide effect of computing on people, organizations, and society
- Utilize current techniques, aptitudes, and tools essential for computing practice
- Comprehend the significance of new and emerging technologies and the need for life-long learning
- Display effective independent learning strategies
Job Opportunities
After graduation, the computer science student can join any of the following small or large company and private or public sectors in nationally and globally:
- Software Architect
- Programmer Analyst
- Systems Developer
- Software Tester
- Software Designer
- Technical Support Specialist
- Chief Information Security Officer
- Information Security Analyst
- Penetration Tester
- Security Architect
- IT Security Engineer
- Security Systems Administrator
- IT Consultant
- Data virtualization/cloud specialists
- Data engineer
- Data architects
Courses and Credit Hours Distribution
First Year – Semester I (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre-requisite
Course Scope |
ENG20 | ENG1120 | Exposition and Argumentation | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
SPMS85 | SPMS1185 | Introduction to Speech | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
PSYCH50 | PSYCH1101 | General Psychology | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
MATH3 | MATH1103 | Pre-Calculus | 3 | GFP 302 | Major Requirement |
CS1 | CS1010 | Introduction to Computer Science | 3 | GFP 304 | Major Requirement |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
First Year – Semester II (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
ENG65 | ENG1600 | Technical Writing | 3 | ENG20/ENG1120 | Major Requirement |
ECO75 | ECON1175 | Economic Development in the Gulf States | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
MATH8 | MATH1208 | Calculus with Analytical Geometry – I | 3 | Math3/Math1103 | Major Requirement |
CS158 | CS1200 | Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science | 3 | GFP302 and GFP304 | Major Requirement |
CS53 | CS1570 | Introduction to Programming | 3 | GFP302 and GFP304 | Major Requirement |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Second Year – Semester I (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
ENG60 | ENG1160 | Writing and Research | 3 | ENG20/ENG1120 | Major Requirement |
PHIL35 | PHIL1335 | Business Ethics | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
CS284 | CS3800 | Introduction to Operating Systems | 3 | CS1/CS1010 | Major Requirement |
CS153 | CS1510 | Data Structures | 3 | CS53/CS 1570 | Major Requirement |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 1 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Second Year – Semester II (18 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
ACC130 | ACC1130 | Accounting I | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
CS304 | CS5300 | Database Management | 3 | CS1/CS1010 | Major Requirement |
CS234 | CS2889 | Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly | 3 | CS153/CS1510 | Major Requirement |
CS263 | CS3600 | Introduction to Computer Security | 3 | CS53/CS1570 | Major Requirement |
CS253 | CS2500 | Algorithms | 3 | CS153/CS1510 | Major Requirement |
CS210 | CS3010 | Seminar | 3 | 30 Credit Hrs. Completed | Major Requirement |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Third Year – Semester I (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
POL 90 | SOC1100 | Omani Society | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
MATH21 | MATH1221 | Calculus with Analytical Geometry – II | 3 | MATH8 /MATH1208 | Major Requirement |
CS220 | CS2200 | Theory of Computer Science | 3 | CS158/CS1200 | Major Requirement |
CS285 | CS5600 | Computer Networks | 3 | CS1/CS1010 | Major Requirement |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 2 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Third Year – Semester II (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
MNGT325 | MNGT4325 | Entrepreneurship | 3 | ACC130/ACC1130 | Major Requirement |
PHIL212 | PHIL2001 | Ethics for Computer Usage | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
CS228 | CS3200 | Introduction to Numerical Methods | 3 | MATH21/MATH1221 | Major Requirement |
CS238 | CS2300 | File Structures and Introduction to Database Systems | 3 | CS304/CS5300 | Major Requirement |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 3 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Fourth Year – Semester I (15 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
CS272 | CS2501 | Java and Object-Oriented Design | 3 | CS53/CS1570 | Major Requirement |
CS206 | CS3100 | Software Engineering – I | 3 | ———- | Major Requirement |
CS236 | CS3500 | Programming Languages and Translators | 3 | CS220/CS2200 | Major Requirement |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 4 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 5 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Fourth Year – Semester II (12 Hours)
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
Course Scope |
CS397 | CS4096 | Capstone: Senior Design | 3 | 90 Credit Hrs. Completed | Major Requirement |
CS308 | CS5102 | Object-Oriented Analysis and Design | 3 | CS206/CS3100 | Major Requirement |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Free Elective 1 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Major Elective | Major Elective | Major Elective 6 | 3 | ———- | Major Elective |
Total Credit Hours | 12 |
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
CS73 | CS1970 | Basic Scientific Programming | 3 | ———- |
CS74 | CS1971 | Introduction to Programming Methodology | 3 | ———- |
———- | CS1972 | Introduction to MATLAB Programming | 3 | MATH3/MATH1103 and
CS53/S1570 |
———- | CS3601 | Digital Forensics | 3 | CS3600 |
CS303 | CS4489 | Multimedia Systems | 3 | CS53/CS1570 |
CS365 | CS4600 | Computer Communications and Networks | 3 | CS285/CS5600 |
CS265 | CS4601 | Computer Network Concepts and Technology | 3 | CS285/CS5600 |
CS317 | CS4700 | Intellectual Property for Computer Scientists | 3 | ———- |
CS302 | CS5100 | Agile Software Development | 3 | CS206/CS3100 |
CS307 | CS5101 | Software Testing and Quality Assurance | 3 | CS206/CS3100 |
CS325 | CS5200 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
CS328 | CS5201 | Object-Oriented Numerical Modeling – I | 3 | CS228/CS3200 |
CS329 | CS5202 | Object-Oriented Numerical Modeling – II | 3 | CS328/CS5201 |
CS354 | CS5203 | Mathematical Logic – I | 3 | CS158/CS1200 |
CS366 | CS5204 | Regression Analysis | 3 | STAT211/STAT3111 |
CS347 | CS5400 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
CS348 | CS5401 | Evolutionary Computing | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
———- | CS5402 | Data Mining and Machine Learning | 3 | CS238/CS2300 |
———- | CS5403 | Introduction to Robotics | 3 | CS53/CS1570 |
———- | CS5404 | Introduction to Computer Vision | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
CS342 | CS5405 | Java GUI and Visualization | 3 | CS 272/CS 2501 |
CS358 | CS5406 | Interactive Computer Graphics | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
CS356 | CS5500 | The Structure of a Compiler | 3 | CS236/CS3500 and
CS253/CS2500 |
CS362 | CS5601 | Security Operations and Program Management | 3 | ———- |
———- | CS5700 | Bioinformatics | 3 | CS53/CS1570 and
CS74/CS1971 |
CS384 | CS5800 | Distributed Operating Systems | 3 | CS284/CS 3800 and
CS253/CS2500 |
CS381 | CS5801 | The Structure of Operating System | 3 | CS284/CS3800 |
CS387 | CS5802 | Introduction to Parallel Programming and Algorithms | 3 | CS284/CS3800 and
CS253/CS2500 |
CS388 | CS5803 | Introduction to High Performance Computer Architecture | 3 | CS253/CS2500 |
STAT211 | STAT3111 | Statistical Tools for Decision Making | 3 | MATH3/MATH1103 |
MATH22 | MATH2222 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry –III | 3 | MATH21/MATH1221 |
———- | CS2001 | Special Topics | 3 | ———- |
———- | CS3001 | Special Topics | 3 | ———- |
———- | CS5001 | Special Topics | 3 | ———- |
CS200 | CS2000 | Special Topics | 3 | CS1/CS1010 |
CS300 | CS3000 | Special Topics | 3 | CS200/CS2000 |
MATH208 | MATH3108 | Special Problems | 3 | MATH3/MATH1103 |
Old Course
Code |
New Course
Code |
Course Name | Credit
Hours |
FIN250 | FIN2150 | Corporate Finance | 3 | ACC130/ACC1130 |
BUS110 | BUS1110 | Management and Organizational Behavior | 3 | ———- |
ECO121 | ECON1100 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | ———- |
ART 80 | ART 1180 | Art Appreciation | 3 | ———- |