Facts and History
Mazoon College is a private academic institution that works under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education since 1999. It was established to provide the society with the services of the higher education in different fields. At present, it has eight departments. Mazoon College is affiliated with Missouri University of Science & Technology, U.S.A., one of the oldest and prestigious universities, well known for its science , technology and mining Programs . It presents various majors in different fields, and is an internationally accredited university. It presents high quality education to cope with the latest developments in various educational fields and has students from different parts of the world. Mazoon college students can join Missouri University for either an exchange program or advanced studies.
The College gives high school graduates and employees in the Oman public and private institutions the chance to gain educational skills and high technology to catch up with the successive development nowadays. The College, from the early moments of being established, has made firm steps towards the qualitative development of its performance to provide prestigious services. It is also conscious to conduct full reviews and continues evaluation of its progression. It always seeks to provide itself with high quality academic and administrative staff and the addition of new majors required by the community and to develop the already existed abilities
From the early moments of its establishment, Mazoon College had made firm steps to continually develop and improve its services, and in monitoring its progress, so that we may be able to provide you the best educational system with the most qualified and dedicated academic and administrative staffs at your disposal. Moreover, we hope to serve your interests more as per market demand by offering new fields of study and opportunities for professional advancement. We shall with utmost care continue to work towards excellence and in bridging the gap between “who you are” and “who you can be” as the future workforce in the Omani society.
The academic life at Mazoon College is based on the principle of individuality with emphasis on molding “you” into a productive, creative, and intellectual being, without discrimination based on justice and equity. In order to meet the market and job demand, we adapted the philosophy of “skill building” and intensifying “training” so that each of our graduates get every possible chance for employment. As a student of Mazoon, you shall reap the benefits of :
- Quality education and services
- High standard and modernized facilities
- Helpful and friendly atmosphere
- Healthy learning environment
The College’s graduates can work in all the fields, all the public and private institutions each in accordance with her/his major through the continuous efforts exerted by the College and the communication it makes with other public and private institutions to provide employment chances for its graduates. It also helps the students by providing them with the consultations and suggestions even after the graduation.