The Academic Department of English at Mazoon College aims at improving the performance of students in different fields of study through improving their reading, writing, speaking and research skills. Moreover, the department constantly tries to frame students’ knowledge of English literature through designing, revising and reviewing different courses on grammar, linguistics, history of British and American literatures, media studies, poetry, fiction and drama.
The department promotes the scholarly, pedagogical, and creative achievements of faculty and students by encouraging them to participate in seminars and various programs. The department also pursues the continuous improvement of the curriculum which is submitted for approval to the Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.
To ensure quality teaching and learning, the academic committee was founded to review and adapt the curriculum and the courses offered for various programs, diploma and bachelor programs, in the department in conformity with the Missouri University of S&T delegation’s recommendations in June 2001.
To ensure the quality of education, different coordinating committees as Academic and Scientific Committee, Moderation Committee and Examination Committee work hand in hand with the Head of the Department.
The English Department encourages students to achieve academic excellence in both English language and Literature. Our graduates are expected to be well prepared to pursue careers in business, education and other private and government sectors.
The English Department aspires to offer students the best possible preparation in English Language and Literature, creative writing and mastery of the four major skills useful for their personal and professional future careers to enable them to contribute to the labor demands on domestic, regional and international levels.
Graduate Attributes:
Students with a graduate degree in English Major from Mazoon College are expected to adopt expertise in the subject that will enable them to be competent candidates in the Oman economy. The department provides with orientation program and ample practice opportunities to comprehend the English language in all its aspects. The students are made capable of being successful professionals to compete more effectively for jobs after graduation. This program is designed to boost the personality of students with optimum level of confidence and knowledge in English.
Mazoon College’s quality audit portfolio states that:” the main focus of M.C is to achieve a high quality teaching, learning and training opportunities in line with the requirements of market needs“. The Department of English makes continuous efforts to comply with this statement.
The general graduate attributes of Mazoon College are the overarching guidelines for producing the English Department’s specific GAs, aimed at developing transferable graduate skills, whatever career you choose (teaching, journalism & media, tourism, marketing and public relations), by the end of the degree, graduates are expected to have developed these essential graduates attributes:
- Analytical skills: By reading texts in different genres and relating their authorship, historical and cultural contexts and audiences.
- Communication skills: As the graduates develop their linguistic abilities and upgrade their writing through essays and research papers.
- Presentation skills: As the graduates learn to adapt language for different tasks and audiences, in seminar discussions and oral assessment.
- Reflective skills: As the students consider their own ideas and understanding of how these are developing through engagement with literary and critical texts and group discussing.
- Research skills: As they identify, locate and select from appropriate materials relating to specific areas of study.
- IT skills: As they make use of electronic resources and communication tools, including the online learning environment and research databases.
- Time management and organizational skills
- Team-working skills
The above are a broad range of skills which will be attractive to managers in many different career fields, thus enhancing the graduates’ career prospects.