Computing and Informatics
The Department of Computing and Informatics was established in the year 1999. Initially the department introduced the Under Graduate Program in 1999; later in 2006 the Post Graduate Program was launched. Over the past few years, the department has acquired National and International Importance, which is achieved by the collective and responsible efforts of the faculty and the students.
Presently, it offers:
- Associative Degree Programs
- Management Information System
- Information Science & Technology
- Computer Science majors
- Bachelor degree programs
- Management Information System
- Information Science & Technology
- Computer Science majors
- Master degree program (M.Tech.)
- Computer Science.
The department has well qualified faculty and staff members. The Department follows principles to maintain the quality of Teaching and Research. At present, the department has 14 faculty members in all, with 7 PhD and 7 Master qualifications. The department periodically conducts seminars, workshops, faculty induction program and industrial visit for the benefit of staff and students.
To be in forefront of technology and innovation of Computer Science that permeates all modern endeavors in academia aimed towards betterment of society and developing the ways to success through IT.
Our mission, as a constituent unit in the academic mission of the Mazoon College, is to:
- Design, implement, and modernize a high quality educational environment in the field of Computing and Informatics.
- Anticipate the future needs of the society by recognizing the growing interdisciplinary nature of computing and informatics.
- Promote education in the major areas of computing and informatics that lead to educate students for an industrial or academic career.
Graduate Attributes
- Be able to use a range of programming languages and tools to develop computer programs and systems that are effective solutions to problems.
- Be able to understand, design, and analyze precise specifications of algorithms, procedures, and interaction behavior.
- Be able to apply mathematics, logic, and statistics to the design, development, and analysis of software systems.
- Be equipped with a range of fundamental principles of computer science that will provide the basis for future learning and enable them to adapt to the constant rapid development of the field.
- Have experience of working in teams to build software systems.